Posted on Apr 15, 2016 by Bear Creek Church in General, Newsletter, Prayer |
We gather here this morning, in this room, to praise Your name. We gather here to worship You. We are overwhelmed by Your goodness, by Your grace, by Your faithfulness. You are our rock, our constant. We are thankful that when we call to You in prayer, that You hear our voice. That when we stumble, Your love for us has not wavered. We pray that when we worship You in song as we have been doing, that it is sweet to Your ears. We love You father, and while our love for You is not yet perfect, Your love for us is perfect. You love us not for what we’ve done, but for what Christ has done.
We are thankful for Your word, that it can be trusted and relied upon. We run to Your word to strengthen and encourage us. When temptation slowly presses in, we run to Your word, we run to You in prayer and that is what You want us to do.
We have many reasons to praise You, more than we even realize. We know You are good, We know that You tell us that You are working all things together for good. We can’t always see it, we don’t always know what it is, but we trust it to be true. But sometimes, You, in Your mercy, do show us a glimpse of how You are working, You do reveal Your goodness in our circumstances, and in those we rejoice. We praise when we are reminded that we can trust in Your sovereignty.
Father, as we give these gifts now, we do so recognizing that we may not get a glimpse of how You are using them, but we trust in You and how they will be used. It is humbling when we think about money given here, in Medford, Oregon, will be used to spread the gospel on the other side of the world, but that is how You’ve set it up.