Posted on May 30, 2016 by Bear Creek Church in Church Life, Current Events, General, Newsletter |
Nancy and I are burying a 200 lb. pig in our backyard for an all-night Memorial Day Roast (don’t tell the landlord!), so let me make a few points about today before I grab a shovel:
+ I hope that our time together today will help to improve your regular celebration of the Lord’s Table. The Westminster Catechism, Question 168, answers the question of its import to us:
The Lord’s supper is a sacrament of the New Testament, wherein, by giving and receiving bread and wine according to the appointment of Jesus Christ, his death is showed forth; and they that worthily communicate feed upon his body and blood, to their spiritual nourishment and growth in grace; have their union and communion with him confirmed; testify and renew their thankfulness, and engagement to God, and their mutual love and fellowship each with the other, as members of the same mystical body.
+ To get more information about serving as a BCC Disability Ministry Team Buddy, write ServeBCC@gmail.com
+ Find the Elders’ Paper on In Vitro Fertilization here:
+ See a list of Bloody Mary’s victims, and more, here:
+ Thanks to Jessica and Penny for helping me with the difference between similes and metaphors, and to Sylvia for knowing her state capitols.
+ Let the record show that on this historic date: May 29, 2016, every bulletin was taken. Keep up the good work, Pastor Brian. It is not for nothing!
+ What a wonderful surprise to have Darryl and Becky Jordan with us today, all the way from the Philippines where they serve with New Tribes Mission: https://usa.ntm.org/
+ The Mail-Tribune has a list of local Memorial Day services here:
+ I was really blessed by attendance today: I figured with the long weekend that attendance would be off, but no. I hope that holds true during the long, hot summer, and especially with the 7 Letters of Revelation series coming. I’m looking forward to that.
+ Thanks to everyone who pitched in today, from our worship leaders who led us in great songs, to PJ and Bill for their excellent prayers on our behalf, to the folks who arrived so early to set up or stayed so late to put everything away (with the time change, Ted remarked, “Look: we’re done and it’s only 12:37!).
Grateful to God for my role in our Church Family,
Pastor Dale