Posted on Mar 26, 2018 by Bear Creek Church in Newsletter, Prayer |
Father, you are love.
You are the source of love, and we marvel at the depth of your love for us.
What grace. What mercy toward those who were unlovable and undeserving.
Lord, overwhelm us with the reality of our adoption. Cause us to marvel with inexpressible joy at the realization that we no longer have to account for an eternal burden of judgment… and not only this, but that you actually… love… us.
Lord, at the thought of questioning you, we cover our mouths like Job at the revelation that you spoke everything into existence. Who are we to question or doubt? There is no one who compares to you. You are the sovereign almighty God, and we exist and live by your decree. Forgive us for treating you as a peer – as some equal that we dare examine and doubt. Open our eyes to even a small glimpse of your glory that would grant us the faith of Job who said, “thou you slay me, I will hope in you.”
Open our eyes to love:
• A love that did not leave us in our filth
• A love that would send
• A love that would stoop
• A love that would receive abuse and humiliation in order to redeem those who did not love
• A love that would take out hearts of stone and give hearts that could love you… and love… like you.
We praise you for your love
We ask for your love
We pray that your love would fill us and spill over within this church, within the body of Christ, within our community, and around the world. Fill us so that others might see and marvel and know that you are love.
And now, because of your love, we give these gifts.
We give them for your glory, and our resulting joy
In Jesus’ name, Amen.