Ask for Wisdom and Read in Faith
Posted on May 22, 2018 by Bear Creek Church in by Pastor Brian, Church Life, General, Newsletter |
God promises that if you ask Him for wisdom, He will give it to you! But how do you expect Him to give it? The primary means He chose is through the written word. So if you ask for wisdom, don’t expect Him to just “zap” you. Ask and then in faith, go to His Word, and go to good books. We gain wisdom from others, so read biographies, works of theology, history, science, and fiction to name a few.
This reading stat may get your attention, but if you don’t set a time, and decide on a book, then it’ll just be an interesting stat. What’s your recommendation? How about Don Whitney’s modern classic, “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life,” or “Trusting God,” by Jerry Bridges? Don’t get overwhelmed with the selection… pick one and start!
– pb