BCC Weekly Announcements
Posted on Jan 24, 2020 by Bear Creek Church in Bulletins, Church Life, General, Newsletter |
Memorial Service: The family of Lorraine Wilson would like to invite you to celebrate her life of loving God above all else, as well as loving her immediate and extended family, church, and friends at Fountain Plaza. The service will be Saturday, February 1st at 2pm, at Bear Creek Church.
The Ladies Prayer Fellowship will meet on Thursday, January 30th, at 1:00pm. We will be meeting at Liz Nelson’s home at 2700 Randolf St, Medford. All are welcome and we would love to have more come and fellowship and pray with us. If you have any questions or need directions please call Liz at 542-941-4042.
47th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. To commemorate, remember, and proclaim the sanctity of human life…there will be a program Sunday January 26th at 6:00 pm, at First Baptist Church, 649 Crater Lake Ave., Medford. For more information, grab a flyer in the entry hallway. See or call Ted Josalle for any questions (541-772-1166).
Small Groups: There are several opportunities for you to connect and grow at BCC. Check out our list various small groups for men, women, and teens.
March 7th: Cornerstone Lecture Series, God’s Stories: A Study of Parables with Dr. Gabe Fluhrer. Dr. Fluhrer is the Associate Minister of Discipleship at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia South Carolina (where Dr. Derek Thomas is Senior Pastor). He has written or edited several books and articles, including Atonement, These Last Days, and a forthcoming book on the resurrection.
June 26-28: BCC’s Annual Church Campout. Before the date is taken in your calendar, be sure to save this date for a special time of friendship building, recalling God’s faithfulness, and baptisms at Howard Prairie Lake, Sugar Pine Campground.