Sometimes Miracles Hide

Sometimes Miracles Hide is an elegant luncheon for mothers of children affected by disability, where they will enjoy a fabulous meal, warm fellowship, an encouraging program, a gift, and much needed rest and respite.  Their children, typical or affected by disability, will be paired with a buddy, and together they will have fun at the carnival filled with games, crafts, and activities for all ages and abilities.
Time and Location: Noon – 2pm at FBC, 649 Crater Lake Ave., Medford
Family Information: Reservations are required.  Space is limited, so you must RSVP by April 27.  Call: 541-897-0482 Email:  With your reservation, we will need to know: Your name and phone number; Names and ages of children attending; Specific disability/diagnosis and any pertinent info to make your children feel comfortable; If your child can eat the lunch we are providing – if not, we ask that you provide your child’s lunch.  Children’s Menu: Jelly sandwich, bag of potato chips, cheese stick, fruit juice, apple slices and a cookie.  Nursery: Nursery/toddler care is available for children 0-3.
Volunteer Information: There are many ways to serve at Sometimes Miracles Hide.  By serving for a few hours you make an eternal impact on families affected by disability.  CLICK HERE to sign up – follow directions below:
  • Click on any of the “Sign Up” buttons in the right-hand column.
  • Click the “Submit and Sign Up” button on the bottom of the page.
  • Log in to your existing account, or…
  • Create a free account and choose the 1st option “Create an account at SignUpGenius…”
  • Complete the “Additional Info” fields and click the “Sign Up Now” button.
For more information call 541-897-0482 or email
Donations: Your donation of $25 will be used to bless a mother with a gift.  You may also purchase a gift card to a restaurant, store, or service that would be meaningful to a mother.  Please send donations to PO Box 113, Jacksonville OR 97530 or drop it off at our office – 405 E. California St., Jacksonville OR (1st floor of the historic Presbyterian Church).  Include your name and address.  All donations are tax deductible under current I.R.S. regulations.
