Sometimes Miracles Hide
Sometimes Miracles Hide is an elegant luncheon for mothers of children affected by disability, where they will enjoy a fabulous meal, warm fellowship, an encouraging program, a gift, and much needed rest and respite. Their children, typical or affected by disability, will be paired with a buddy, and together they will have fun at the carnival filled with games, crafts, and activities for all ages and abilities.
Time and Location: Noon – 2pm at FBC, 649 Crater Lake Ave., Medford
Family Information: Reservations are required. Space is limited, so you must RSVP by April 27. Call: 541-897-0482 Email: With your reservation, we will need to know: Your name and phone number; Names and ages of children attending; Specific disability/diagnosis and any pertinent info to make your children feel comfortable; If your child can eat the lunch we are providing – if not, we ask that you provide your child’s lunch. Children’s Menu: Jelly sandwich, bag of potato chips, cheese stick, fruit juice, apple slices and a cookie. Nursery: Nursery/toddler care is available for children 0-3.
Volunteer Information: There are many ways to serve at Sometimes Miracles Hide. By serving for a few hours you make an eternal impact on families affected by disability. CLICK HERE to sign up – follow directions below:
- Click on any of the “Sign Up” buttons in the right-hand column.
- Click the “Submit and Sign Up” button on the bottom of the page.
- Log in to your existing account, or…
- Create a free account and choose the 1st option “Create an account at SignUpGenius…”
- Complete the “Additional Info” fields and click the “Sign Up Now” button.
For more information call 541-897-0482 or email
Donations: Your donation of $25 will be used to bless a mother with a gift. You may also purchase a gift card to a restaurant, store, or service that would be meaningful to a mother. Please send donations to PO Box 113, Jacksonville OR 97530 or drop it off at our office – 405 E. California St., Jacksonville OR (1st floor of the historic Presbyterian Church). Include your name and address. All donations are tax deductible under current I.R.S. regulations.
Irresistible Church Training
We are fortunate to have in our own backyard a special gathering of all kinds of Jesus folks who have room in their hearts for families affected by disability. It’s coming up in one month, on Friday night and Saturday morning, March 6 and 7 at Jacksonville Presbyterian Church. Hosted by Joni and Friends Oregon, it will include workshops, training, church networking, fellowship, and worship with like-minded leaders and volunteers. There is a special guest speaker, and there will be treats. As a church wanting to do right by our special-needs families, the more folks from BCC (and EVERYONE on the Disability Ministry Team) who attend, the better equipped we’ll be to fulfill the church’s mandate to reach the lost and hurting.
-Pastor Dale
Friday night is free and requires no registration. Saturday is $25, but BCC will reimburse DM Team members who attend. Sign up for Saturday here.
The schedule looks like this:
Friday, March 6, 2020
6:30 PM
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Keynote Session with Dr. Jeff McNair
8:30 PM
Dessert Social
Saturday, March 7, 2020
8:30 AM
Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM
Opening Session
10:00 AM
Breakout Sessions
12:00 PM
12:45 PM – 1:30 PM
Closing Session
BCC Weekly Announcements
Memorial Service: The family of Lorraine Wilson would like to invite you to celebrate her life of loving God above all else, as well as loving her immediate and extended family, church, and friends at Fountain Plaza. The service will be Saturday, February 1st at 2pm, at Bear Creek Church.
The Ladies Prayer Fellowship will meet on Thursday, January 30th, at 1:00pm. We will be meeting at Liz Nelson’s home at 2700 Randolf St, Medford. All are welcome and we would love to have more come and fellowship and pray with us. If you have any questions or need directions please call Liz at 542-941-4042.
47th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. To commemorate, remember, and proclaim the sanctity of human life…there will be a program Sunday January 26th at 6:00 pm, at First Baptist Church, 649 Crater Lake Ave., Medford. For more information, grab a flyer in the entry hallway. See or call Ted Josalle for any questions (541-772-1166).
Small Groups: There are several opportunities for you to connect and grow at BCC. Check out our list various small groups for men, women, and teens.
March 7th: Cornerstone Lecture Series, God’s Stories: A Study of Parables with Dr. Gabe Fluhrer. Dr. Fluhrer is the Associate Minister of Discipleship at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia South Carolina (where Dr. Derek Thomas is Senior Pastor). He has written or edited several books and articles, including Atonement, These Last Days, and a forthcoming book on the resurrection.
June 26-28: BCC’s Annual Church Campout. Before the date is taken in your calendar, be sure to save this date for a special time of friendship building, recalling God’s faithfulness, and baptisms at Howard Prairie Lake, Sugar Pine Campground.