You are Love

Father, you are love.

You are the source of love, and we marvel at the depth of your love for us.

What grace. What mercy toward those who were unlovable and undeserving.

Lord, overwhelm us with the reality of our adoption. Cause us to marvel with inexpressible joy at the realization that we no longer have to account for an eternal burden of judgment… and not only this, but that you actually… love… us.

Lord, at the thought of questioning you, we cover our mouths like Job at the revelation that you spoke everything into existence. Who are we to question or doubt? There is no one who compares to you. You are the sovereign almighty God, and we exist and live by your decree. Forgive us for treating you as a peer – as some equal that we dare examine and doubt. Open our eyes to even a small glimpse of your glory that would grant us the faith of Job who said, “thou you slay me, I will hope in you.”

Open our eyes to love:

• A love that did not leave us in our filth
• A love that would send
• A love that would stoop
• A love that would receive abuse and humiliation in order to redeem those who did not love
• A love that would take out hearts of stone and give hearts that could love you… and love… like you.

We praise you for your love
We ask for your love
We pray that your love would fill us and spill over within this church, within the body of Christ, within our community, and around the world. Fill us so that others might see and marvel and know that you are love.

And now, because of your love, we give these gifts.
We give them for your glory, and our resulting joy
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Whose Side Are You On?

If I’m not for Him then I’m against Him. But what does it mean to be “for Him?” Certainly it’s more than me just trying to not be against Him. If a soldier doesn’t show up for their duty they’re not simply being neutral, they’re actively being rebellious, and this rebellion gives an advantage to the enemy.

“Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God… as instruments for righteousness” (Rom. 6:13).

Do we fight the battle against sin by simply avoiding it? “Don’t look… don’t do!” Paul’s instruction is active, not passive. There’s no neutral ground; we’re either presenting ourselves to one side or the other, and the battle is not over until we enter into his presence and become like him – sinless, as he is sinless. If we’re not showing up for duty, if we’re not presenting ourselves to God for the sake of His righteousness, then we’re rebelling. So, not presenting ourselves to Him IS an act of presenting ourselves to the other side.

Yes, there’s a lot going on in our 24-hour day. We sleep, we eat, have jobs and errands to run, we exercise, we watch the news, we look at art, we play, we do our hobbies, we may even watch sports and TV. None of these are inherently sinful, but all of these have a greater power to tempt us in sin if we’re not actively about our Father’s will.
Jesus didn’t resist sin by averting his eyes, or avoiding people. No, he was intentionally about his Father’s will – he was so active in presenting himself to God: studying the Scriptures, in prayer communing with his Father, humbly submitting himself to doing the Father’s will – that the lures from the enemy had no power to pull him away from his active duty. And don’t hear “duty” in a negative sense because his duty was also his greatest love and desire. How much more allegiance; how much more motivation is there in our actions when we love the commanding officer? If this is the case: we joyfully present ourselves, we gladly do what he commands, and the temptations to rebel have no place in our minds to linger.
My fight against sin is best won by realizing there is no neutrality in life. As one old saint said, “Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you.” It’s an active fight (in the Word, relying on the Spirit, in prayer, receiving the means of grace at church as we encourage one another), by intentionally presenting ourselves to God for the sake of His kingdom. 
Pastor Brian

Sunday Prayer – Our Refuge and Strength


Father God-

We are surrounded with issues each moment and day of our lives. “Will we be able to pay the bills without going further in debt? Will our health challenge be resolved soon or ever? Will we or those we love make Godly decisions? Will international concerns be settled?” These life matters (and many others) cause us to really worry and fret. Yet… we need to stop and look to You. You are our refuge and strength. You are an ever-present help in trouble. Not our calculated accomplishments. Not our keen wisdom. Your word doesn’t say that You will help if we get into a strong refuge. It tells us You are that refuge. Because You are our Father, our God, You are right now our refuge.  

Father, raise up our strength in You since You are with us, even the worst thing that happens to us—death—only makes You infinitely happier and makes You infinitely greater. We say this because Your Son writhed on a tree, making himself nothing until he breathed no more… Up from the grave he arose and You highly exalted Him and bestowed on him the name above every other name.  For from Your Son and through Your Son and to Your Son are all things. To Him we are in as our refuge and to Him be glory forever. Amen.
