A Prayer from Pastor Jim
Father, what a joyous time of year this is. Yet, it is a season where we can easily put our lives first. We can be bent toward selfishness. As Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, the Lord of the universe has said, even more, has demonstrated, let us be the slave, the servant, giving our lives as a sacrifice, an investment in the lives of others.
As we consider the child who was born, the son who was given, remind us of the soon-to-be holes in his hands and feet, resulting from a life given as a ransom for us.
Then, awaken us to the reality that we will, in the not too distant future stand before the One with those scarred palms and wounded feet and have to answer for the use of all we have been blessed with. Resources provided to us, not to be stored up, hoarded, or accumulated. Rather, to understand, we have been transferred these gifts to look like Jesus, and relish in the privilege of self-denial, cross-carrying, Kingdom-investing for the benefit of others, because of our deep love for You.
Should it cost us in the best of sleep or health or energy or comfort or convenience or resources or routine or time for ourselves, motivate us to be quick to say, “it may look like sacrifice, but it is nothing compared to what Jesus went through for me, for us.”
And, by getting out of the way of pride and thinking of ourselves, give us eyes to see how our obedient investments change others forever, as a child now in a safe home; a neighbor who is now a son or daughter of God; a restored relationship; or the poor and sick now being acknowledged and cared for.
And, if we regret our lack of Jesus-centeredness thus far, may we concur with one pastor who has said, “Occasionally weep deeply over the life you hoped would be. Grieve the losses. Then, wash your face. Trust God. And embrace the life you have.”
Begin anew in us this day. May Christmas 2016 be a fresh starting point.
In the name of the babe in the manger, in the name of Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
– A Prayer from Elder Bill Pritchett
Thank you for the reminder that while we might think we know the way through this life, that the sin and temptation that promises joy and life actually leads to our destitution. That if You had not loved us first, we would refuse You still. We confess Father that we still can struggle in this area, that we are still tempted to look to other things to satisfy ourselves. That we still think that we know the way and that our way is best.
Lord God, our sins are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. Forgive what our lips hesitate and tremble to name, what our hearts can no longer bear, and what has become for us a consuming fire of judgment. Set us free from a past that we cannot change; open to us a future in which we can be changed; and grant us grace to grow more and more in your likeness and image, through Jesus Christ, the light of the world.
Lord, we ask that You fix our eyes back on You. That we are constantly reminded of our need of a savior and that that reminder is beautifully refreshing and causes us to cling to the truths of the gospel.
You are good and You show us more grace everyday than we could ever deserve. You are faithful and do not let us be plucked out of Your hand, even when that is what our fate should be.
Father, in light of the election, we pray for the leaders of this country, whether today or those that will be assuming office in a few months. We pray for humility and wisdom and that those who do not know You and call You Lord, that their heart will be softened toward You. Father, it seems with this election specificity that no matter who is elected, many will be unhappy and frustrated. Let us be different, let us be a light, let our confidence in You not be shaken. That we will remind ourselves and others that You appoint the leaders. Let our response or reaction not be one of prideful boasting or fear and despair, but one that reflects our trust in You and Your sovereignty.
Whether the election, or frustration or stress with our jobs, or tension at home, or the reminder that our body is susceptible to disease, fix our eyes on You. Give us the strength to say “Hallelujah! All I have is Christ; Hallelujah! Jesus is my life”.
It is in His name that we pray, AMEN
Father, we are reminded this Mother’s Day morning to thank you for adopting us into your family through Your ruling grace, and for calling us to be brothers and sisters to each other. We thank you for our mothers, who cared for us when we were helpless, comforted us when we were hurt, whose love and care we often took for granted.
Lord, we have also been confronted this past week and will face, in the days ahead, many challenges, yet you are our light and our salvation. And as a result, clarity and hope is settled and in You. There is nothing that we will be unnerved or panicked by. You are the fortification of our life. There is nothing to dismay or terrify us.
Cause us to quickly turn to you? And to recognize that you are gracious to us and will answer us? For you have said, “Seek my face.” And we gladly reply , “Your face we will seek.” Although we deserve nothing, we know that even if all may desert us, You have firmly and undeniably stated, “I will take you in.”
So, with confidence and assurance from You, we will be strong and our hearts will take courage; we will wait and we will boldly declare, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do and speak and love and bless.” You are both the Giver and the Gift. And apart from You we understand we can do nothing.
Help us to be the first to return after any encounter with gratefulness to You and You alone. Humbly we present this prayer in the name of the Gift, Your Son and our Savior, in Jesus’ name we pray.