Father God,
We thank You for this beautiful day. Thank You for this opportunity to gather together in this building to worship You. Thank You for Your provisions of this place where we can meet.
On this Mother’s Day we continue to say thank You. Some in this room were blessed with godly mothers, some are blessed by being married to these godly mothers, and some are blessed by being a mother. Thank You Lord for these women in our lives that do so much, often with very little appreciation or recognition. Lord, in praying this, we also think of those who had painful relationships with their mothers, who find it hard to celebrate this person, others don’t have a mother, and for some the loss of their mom is still so painful. Some still ache over the fact that they so desperately want to be a mom, but thus far that has not happened for them. Whatever the emotions of this day are, we trust in You and in Your sovereignty and Your grace. Where we are struggling to know how we should feel, we pray that You guide our hearts. Where there is bitterness, we pray that You pluck that out. Where there is joy, we pray that all of these point us back to You. You are our portion, we will hope in You, You are good. You are what we need and where our strength comes from.
Lord God, we come here today and we are tired, we are weak, we are broken, we are sinners. Sinners in need of a savior. Help us to repent of our sins and follow You, to rejoice in You Jesus as our savior. So Lord, for those of us that are weak, we pray for Your strength in our lives. We can get frustrated with people around us, so we pray for patience. Lord, we pray for Humility as we think on You and the grace that You have shown us. Guard our hearts from the pride of thinking that our relationship with You is because we are so good. Lord You are so good, You are holy and just. As we continue on with this worship service, let our awe of You be increased as we sing. Our understanding of who You will be increased as we open Your word. That our unity as the body of Christ be strengthened as we encourage one another.
Lord, on this Mother’s Day, we celebrate moms, but in so doing we celebrate You who put those moms in our lives. When we think highly on these women, we know that You provided, and continue to provide, the strength that they demonstrate. You show them grace and give them the strength to show grace to others.
Thank You Lord, for the mercy that you show us, for the adoption that we needed, and for the love You demonstrate constantly. It is in Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN
Father God,
We have sung this morning about Your goodness, Your sovereignty, Your faithfulness. Father, we thank You for these and all of Your attributes. Your name is to be praised. Father, You are good, You are holy, You are just, You are gracious, You are faithful. As David says in Your word, ‘Everyday I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever.’ This morning Lord, we praise Your name. We praise You because we are in awe of who You are. We praise You because we recognize the overwhelming amount of Grace that You continue to show us everyday. We praise You when we think on the work of Jesus on the cross on our behalf. We praise You when we are going through hard times because we know and trust in Your Sovereignty.
In that same Psalm, David continues and says ‘One generation shall commend Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts.’ Lord, Your mighty Acts…thank You that nothing that we might be going through is outside of Your control and nothing is outside of Your power. We are comforted by the fact that we don’t have to question if You can handle our situation, we don’t have to question whether or not Christ’s blood is sufficient for us. Father, You are mighty and great is Your faithfulness.
Lord, I pray for our hearts, that they might be even more inclined toward You. I pray for our singing that these will be much more than just words on a screen, but that we are singing in worship to our great God.
We come before You now and we recognize that many of us are tired, we are weak, we are broken. Yet You have made a way for each of us, no matter what our circumstances are, we can give and contribute to the work that You are doing. We are thankful for the gifts that allow us to meet in this place each week and all that is involved in that. Lord, we trust You and Your plans for each one of us as we give.
Father, we pray these things in humble worship to You, and it is in Jesus’ name that we pray, AMEN
We gather here this morning, in this room, to praise Your name. We gather here to worship You. We are overwhelmed by Your goodness, by Your grace, by Your faithfulness. You are our rock, our constant. We are thankful that when we call to You in prayer, that You hear our voice. That when we stumble, Your love for us has not wavered. We pray that when we worship You in song as we have been doing, that it is sweet to Your ears. We love You father, and while our love for You is not yet perfect, Your love for us is perfect. You love us not for what we’ve done, but for what Christ has done.
We are thankful for Your word, that it can be trusted and relied upon. We run to Your word to strengthen and encourage us. When temptation slowly presses in, we run to Your word, we run to You in prayer and that is what You want us to do.
We have many reasons to praise You, more than we even realize. We know You are good, We know that You tell us that You are working all things together for good. We can’t always see it, we don’t always know what it is, but we trust it to be true. But sometimes, You, in Your mercy, do show us a glimpse of how You are working, You do reveal Your goodness in our circumstances, and in those we rejoice. We praise when we are reminded that we can trust in Your sovereignty.
Father, as we give these gifts now, we do so recognizing that we may not get a glimpse of how You are using them, but we trust in You and how they will be used. It is humbling when we think about money given here, in Medford, Oregon, will be used to spread the gospel on the other side of the world, but that is how You’ve set it up.