If public speaking is the general population’s greatest fear, public praying very well may be its Christian equivalent. And this fear is not restricted to ordinarily timid people. Even leaders sometimes have trouble leading in prayer.
Father God,
You are good, You are just, You are holy, there is fulness of joy in your presence Lord. We are coming off of a week that is specifically set aside for us to remember the work of Jesus on the cross. To be reminded of the fact that our need for a savior has been met, that the penalty for our sins has been paid. Yet, while our greatest need has been satisfied, You continue to bless us, You continue to care about the day to day details of our lives. You have blessed us with the Holy Spirit who guides us and points us back to You. Lord, it can be easy for me to see the work of Jesus on the cross, to see all that was accomplished on the cross, and see it all as about me. Guard our hearts Lord against such thinking. I pray that our eyes remain fixed on Jesus, that we have the eternal perspective to see this life as temporary, like a vapor, help us to keep our eyes on heaven. Easter is a celebration, not only of the fact that through Jesus, his righteousness has been imputed to us, but also a celebration of victory, that there is victory over this world. Our struggles and pain are real, but by Your grace, they are not eternal.
I pray for our boldness, in sharing the gospel with those that we come in contact with. We pray for the Holy Spirit to be at work in those hearts. As You say in Your word, ‘so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.’
So, we praise you as the one who spoke everything into existence, and as the one who upholds everything by word of His power – trusting that everything that occurs is for the sake of displaying your glory and your might and your beauty and your perfection.
Open our eyes to your beauty; cause us to see you more clearly; satisfy us with your steadfast love, that we might rejoice and be glad all our days.
For those who are discouraged, who’s souls are in turmoil, cause them to hope in You, knowing that you are their salvation and their God.
Oh Lord, in light of your perfection; strengthen us to trust in your ability to work all things for our good. Help us to taste and see that you are good, and that those who take refuge in you, are blessed.