“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” -Psalm 127:3
At Bear Creek Church, we view children as a gift and blessing from God and so we always welcome babies, toddlers, older children, and kids with special needs into our service as part of our family. We know that our role in Children’s Ministry is to assist parents in their important calling of raising their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. That’s why we offer excellent Nursery care and meaty Sunday School designed to encourage family discussion and interaction.
Below are a few frequently asked questions about our Children’s Ministry:
Can our kids stay in the service with us?
Absolutely. Children are always welcome in the service at BCC. We appreciate the whole family of God together and do our best to encourage participation from all ages. That means adults strive to be patient and focused as children learn to be as quiet and attentive as they are able, and we have lots of grace in the process.
Do you have a Nursery? Yes, we have a wonderful Nursery staffed by faithful women who love babies and toddlers. Because the littlest members of our church family may not fully appreciate Pastor Dale’s teaching, we offer Nursery for both services. Since it might still be a challenge for a two-and-a-half-year-old to sit quietly for a long time, during the first service our Nursery cares for children from three-months-old to three-years-old. During the second service we care for children only up to two-years-old. Once a child turns two, he can begin the transition to the Two’s class.
What about nursing mothers? Our Nursery is equipped with several rocking chairs and nursing mothers are welcome to use it as a quiet place to feed their little ones. There are also rocking chairs set up at the back of the sanctuary for rocking your little ones during the service.
Do you offer Sunday School? Yes, during the second service our dedicated teachers lead six classes for children: Two’s Three’s/Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten 1st/2nd Grade 3rd/4th Grade 5th/6th Grade Children begin the service in the sanctuary with their parents, are dismissed to the back of the room partway through the service, and (except for the Two’s) are escorted to their classrooms by teachers and assistants. Because two-year-olds may need more help transitioning, teachers wait in the classroom for parents to drop them off. At the end of the service, parents should pick up their children from their classrooms.
What is Sunday School like? We use age-appropriate, theologically-sound, God-centered curriculum written by the staff of Children Desiring God Ministries. Everyone benefits from the depth of the curriculum and the focus on our exciting, awesome, and magnificent Lord! The children are given a workbook that they fill in each week in class. At the end of the year, students will have a book full of great truths to take home and refer to at any time. Since these books are kept in the classroom, a parent resource page is emailed out each week with an overview of the lesson, so that families have an opportunity to discuss what was taught. If you would like to receive the parent resource pages, please email Anne Scott. Each fall all of the children move up to their new classes on the same Sunday.
What about safety? We love our children and desire to provide a safe and secure environment. To that end we always schedule at least two workers in the Nursery and in each Sunday School class. Additionally everyone who serves in Children’s Ministry in any capacity has completed a screening process that includes a criminal background check.
Who can answer more questions?
We’d love to help. If you have any other questions about the Nursery, our Coordinator
Anna Pritchett would be happy to talk with you. For any questions about Sunday School,
Andrew Gettman, our Director of Children’s Ministry, is glad to help.