The Men’s Ministry at Bear Creek Church seeks to provide many opportunities to encourage men to gather together to learn, grow, serve, encourage, fellowship, and pray for one another. Below you’ll find a wide variety of small groups, studies, and volunteer activities for the men of Bear Creek Church.
Bible Studies
Currently, we have 2 weekly bible studies for men.
Wednesday, 6am: This study meets via Zoom each Wednesday morning. We’ve come to discover that a meeting before many need to leave for work needs to be early, and so meeting by Zoom means not having to get up any earlier to drive somewhere. This meeting in particular is also wonderful because we typically have some of our missionaries joining us. It’s a great way to keep in touch and have a personal friendship with brothers who are across the globe. We are beginning a new study (on 3/13/24) through the book of Proverbs.
Click HERE for the Zoom link.
Wednesday, noon: Our other men’s group meets in person along with a Zoom option for those who can’t make it. One of our longtime friends in this group is an elder at Trinity Presbyterian Church, and when our meeting location went away (due to covid) he offered for us to meet at Trinity. We are currently going through the book of Isaiah, and this is a very enjoyable group that tends to dive into some great theological questions. Lunch is provided (our treat), or if you can’t be there in person,
click HERE for the noon Zoom option.
DiscipleshipThis is the great commission of our Lord – to go and make disciples. So, at the heart of our ministry to men is an encouragement to look more and more like Jesus in our roles as brothers, husbands, fathers, and those who love both the church and our community. Much of this occurs in our weekly men’s groups, and these are great ways to connect and seek out those one-on-one mentoring relationships. The ideal would be for each of us to both be mentored and be mentoring someone else. If we can help connect you with someone, or point you to good materials in your Christian growth, please contact
Pastor Brian or
Pastor Bill.
ServiceIf you’re a behind-the-scenes kind of guy, there are lots of opportunities to help with some of the heavier jobs within the church. Our Deacons are always on the lookout for those in need, and having a list of guys to call for various work parties is a great way to quickly meet the needs of others. It might be helping someone move, chopping wood, doing yard work, or a project in the community or to bless our hosts at St Mary’s School. See Deacon
Ron Green to be put on a call-list or to see how you might help on a more regular basis. Some of the more regular needs involve setting up or putting away each Sunday morning, or helping with our monthly church family meal. For more details, see our
Service Page.