Jun 13, 2021
What is Enough For Us? – John 14:1-11
By: Pastor Brian
Series: The Gospel of John
In John 14:1-11, Philip asks Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father, and it will be enough," even though God the Son was in his midst. Pastor Brian considers what it means for us to see God.
Bear Creek Church, Medford Oregon - June 13, 2021
- Jun 13, 2021What is Enough For Us? – John 14:1-11Jun 13, 2021What is Enough For Us? – John 14:1-11By: Pastor BrianSeries: The Gospel of JohnIn John 14:1-11, Philip asks Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father, and it will be enough," even though God the Son was in his midst. Pastor Brian considers what it means for us to see God. Bear Creek Church, Medford Oregon - June 13, 2021
- Jun 6, 2021The Way The Truth The Life – John 14:1-6Jun 6, 2021The Way The Truth The Life – John 14:1-6By: Pastor BrianSeries: The Gospel of JohnJesus makes exclusive claims, and our pluralistic society can't handle the truth. No other savior will do for the problems of life, and Jesus doesn’t point His disciples (or us) to some guru, or to a variety of ways. No, He boldly, unapologetically points to Himself. He is not A way among many, or ONE truth among other options, or A source for experiencing life. No, Jesus says that He is THE exclusive way to God, THE absolute embodiment of truth, and THE very source of all life. Pastor Brian preaches this from John 14:1-6
- May 30, 2021Instructions for Troubled Hearts – John 14:1-3May 30, 2021Instructions for Troubled Hearts – John 14:1-3By: Pastor BrianSeries: The Gospel of JohnPastor Brian teaches from John 14:1-3, giving Jesus' instructions for how to respond in faith, to the troubling circumstances of life. Bear Creek Church, Medford Oregon - May 30, 2021
- May 23, 2021Confident in Christ – John 13:33-38May 23, 2021Confident in Christ – John 13:33-38By: Pastor BrianSeries: The Gospel of JohnWhat can we learn from Peter's failure. What can we learn about Christ's assurance. Pastor Brian teaches from John 13:33-38. Bear Creek Church, Medford Oregon - May 23rd, 2021
- May 16, 2021God is Faithful, No Matter WhatMay 16, 2021God is Faithful, No Matter WhatBy: Pastor BrianSeries: (All)After a video describing the life of Brian and Jennifer's daughter, Devynne Phelps, Pastor Brian gives a message based on various relevant, life-shaping verses. Bear Creek Church, Medford Oregon - May 16, 2021