There are many opportunities for you to utilize your gifts and talents to serve the body at Bear Creek Church, as well many ways to be built up by the gifts and talents of others. Listed below are a variety of these various service ministries. If you’re interested, just email us at and let us know.
Meals Ministry
If you’re experiencing a difficulty or extra stress, such as a birth, a surgery, an illness, etc., our Meals Ministry will be delighted to bring a home cooked or easy store-bought meals to your home.
Get involved: If you enjoy cooking or bringing meals to others, consider signing up to be a part of the Meals Ministry.
Sunday Morning Set-Up
Since our church meets in a school gymnasium, it takes dedicated effort from a wonderful group of volunteers who arrive early and stay late to set up (and tear down) the sanctuary each week. This involves arranging chairs, raising projection screens, setting up the stage and sound system, and more.
Get involved: Joining the setup and/or tear-down crew is a great way to serve behind-the-scenes by contributing your time and energy to the success of our Sunday morning services.
Coffee Ministry
We have 20-30 minutes between services so this is a great time to enjoy a cup of coffee and visit with people from the 1st service, and those coming for the 2nd. If you like serving, this is an easy opportunity – with a rotation of volunteers, the commitment can be as little as once a month.